The project is designed to be made by young people, for young people and led by young people together with RDN staff to identify key issues that they have experienced and vocalise these using the medium of photo-voice. The project will also provide opportunities for young people to learn additional skills in interviewing, public speaking, videography and communication.
The launch session was very interactive as the young people got their hands on a problem tree to brainstorm on some of the issues that they are passionate about. It prompted a lot of discussions and insights into the lives of young people, providing contrast between the positive and negative aspects of the areas where they live. Particular issues that were highlighted were knife crime, unemployment and mental health.
Participants will now be documenting photographs over the next 2 weeks to capture issues that they are passionate about for analysis in following sessions. We are very hopeful as we prepare for the next session that the youth will be very proactive in applying meaning to the photographs that will eventually become life stories.
Find out more about the Life Skills programme and our past projects
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