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Local Children with Global Issues

Riana Development Foundation Network (RDFN) has been funded by UKaid from the Department of International Development to run workshops for young people to engage in Global links.

Linking young people and  children enables them to explore and take active part in local solutions to the global issues that affect their communities and the larger world. Riana aims to promote awareness and understanding between children in the UK and children around the world. This can enable children to explore their similarities and their interdependence in an increasingly globalised world.

With more than 50 per cent of the world’s population now living in urban areas for the first time in human history organizers opted for the theme of “Let’s Care and Care to Care”.

Executive Director of RIANA Rodgers Orero said the workshop was about  giving young people a voice to take  active part in local solutions to global issues.

“The idea is that the world is a global village  and we need to find local solutions to issues that affect local communities and the larger world.”This workshop has allowed  young people from less privileged backgrounds to take part in discussions of  aspects of Universal Education and Global Partnerships.

“This year theme was to  build a picture of what Millennium Development Goals  mean to young people whilst focusing on Universal Education and Global Partnerships”

Article from brentfordtw8